Tomorrow you can go out and gather more materials. While the night passes, you might want to collect and mine a bit around your shelter and make more tools. This will keep you safe, but you're going to have to wait through the morning, and that gets tedious after a while. Try digging a hole into a hillside and then using the dirt remnants to build up a wall behind you, blocking yourself in. You can pick up destroyed blocks (or almost any block, really) and use them to build walls around you. One of the most basic shelters you can build is created by simply digging into a hillside or into the ground.
Because of this, you'll need to learn how to build a house in Minecraft.

When you start to hear music play, you'll know it's almost nighttime, and once the sun goes down, zombies, creepers and skeletons will spawn all around you. Unless you're playing in Peaceful mode, you'll find yourself extremely vulnerable at the start of the game.

Step Three: Build a Shelter to Survive the Night You mayĪlso want to make a Shovel (2 sticks in the middle row from the bottom up, and wooden plank on top) for gathering Sand and Clay to make Glass and Bricks, respectively, but you won't need those right away. Although the pickaxe is your main implement for mining, you'll want to have more planks to build with, so an axe is going to be handy to quickly harvest material before the first nightfall.

You can create a few other tools in much the same way. Until you get better materials, the stone pickaxe will be your main workhorse tool. To select advanced pickaxes like the stone pickaxe, on consoles, you have to select the axe option on the crafting menu and push Up or Down on the left analog stick to display any variations. Gather the stone blocks and you can then use the crafting table to form a Stone Pickaxe, with a wooden plank handle and a stone tip. (If you use your bare hands to break the stone, it will take longer and you will not actually produce any stone blocks). Start digging into a hillside to uncover some Stone and use the wooden pickaxe to break up the stone. The wooden pickaxe is a very weak pickaxe, but it's a first step on the path to building a better pickaxe. On the console version, you can do all this directly from the menu there's no need to position items. Jump into the crafting table's crafting area and create a T-formation with the sticks positioned vertically and the wooden blocks arranged horizontally on top of the sticks (see the screenshot below). Craft a handful of these sticks while keeping a few wooden planks handy. The output should be a set of four Sticks. Start by going into the crafting screen (either your personal crafting screen or the crafting table crafting screen, pressing the default key for the inventory E default for PC) and positioning two wooden planks vertically in the crafting area. These tools will help you accomplish tasks such as mining and Farming. Since you've now built a crafting table, you are able to craft a variety of tools, like a Wooden Pickaxe. Note: If you ever need to move the crafting table to another spot, just break it apart with your punches and pick up the remaining block.